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Schoolsworks is a multi-academy trust in West Sussex. Our aim is to create small hubs of schools which work closely together to collaborate, share best practice and improve outcomes for children.



Friends of Medmerry

A warm welcome from all of us at Friends of Medmerry!

Who are we?

Friends of Medmerry are a group of parents that raise money to help support the school in a number of ways. This could be to support the supply of additional play equipment, classroom resources, contribute to educational visits or raise money for much larger projects.  As many of you are probably aware, funding for schools has been cut over the years, and by raising money, we can help fill some of the gaps to ensure the children of Medmerry do not go without. 

As well as raising funds, our discos and fairs also provide time for the children to have fun and socialise with their friends. Our fundraising events are also a good way for parents to become more actively involved in school community, by helping out when they can. Many of our regular helpers are working parents, so we know it can be hard to find any spare time, but anything you can give, whether that is helping out at one of the discos, wrapping lucky dip prizes at home, or helping to organise and run events, is very welcome.

Many of our current regular helpers have their children in the older year groups of the school, so we are in real need of new helpers from further down the school to come and have a go at helping out, so that the fundraising and socialising for the children can continue.

We do have a facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/groups/friendsofmedmerry, which is a closed group. We post about any events we are holding, and invariably lost jumpers too! We also post for any help we need to run our fundraising events. Please join the group if you can, we'd love to see you there, and hear any thoughts you have on helping us.

Best Wishes,

Friends of Medmerry