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Schoolsworks is a multi-academy trust in West Sussex. Our aim is to create small hubs of schools which work closely together to collaborate, share best practice and improve outcomes for children.



Reading and Phonics - Parents

An introduction to RWI (Read, Write, Ink) phonics. Please click on the link under Fred Frog to find out more:


                                          An introduction to RWI


On this page you will find a video for your child to watch linked to each colour band of the RWI phonics and reading scheme we teach at Medmerry. The videos use the eBooks from the Oxford Owl site and a short video about how to access these eBooks can can be watched here:

Introducing Oxford Owl Video:



All children in the infants who were on the RWI scheme will have brought a book home of a certain colour. We suggest you watch the video matched to this colour but if your child has grown in confidence with their reading during their home learning you may choose to watch the video and begin reading books in the next colour band. It is important that children are reading the books in their colour band confidently and they should read each phonics book multiple times to build their confidence. 

Each video is aimed to help you and your child get the most out of these books from guidance about decoding using 'Fred Talk' to developing fluency and understanding. We have included a brief overview of the key skills each colour band focuses on and the prior knowledge your child should have to be able to access these books. All books have a focus on developing children's reading comprehension by encouraging them to answer questions linked to the text. 


Red Books

 Children reading red books will have learnt the Set 1 sounds and will be starting to use their 'Fred Talk' to read whole words. They will begin to recognise some 'red words' by sight. 


Green Books

 Children reading green books will be using their 'Fred Talk' to read whole words including some with more than 3 sounds with growing confidence. They will start to use 'Fred in your head' to decode familiar words without sounding them out aloud. They will begin to recognise more 'red words' by sight. 

Green Books Video:


Purple Books

Children reading purple books will be starting to learn the Set 2 sounds. They will be confidently using 'Fred in your Head' to decode familiar and unfamiliar words with Set 1 sounds. They will be continuing to learn more 'red words'. 

Purple Books Video:


Pink Books

Children reading pink books will confidently recognise the first 6 Set 2 sounds (ay, ee, igh, ow, oo, oo) and will be applying these sounds to their reading with growing confidence. They will be quickly and accurately reading words with more than 3 sounds such as 'jump' using 'Fred in your Head'.

Pink Books Video:


Orange Books

 Children reading orange books will confidently recognise all Set 2 sounds (ay, ee, igh, ow, oo, oo, ar, or air, ir, ou, oy) and be reading words using all of these sounds confidently and accurately. They will start to learn the Set 3 sounds. 

Orange Books Video:


Yellow Books

When children start to read yellow books the focus shifts to quicker and more accurate decoding using 'Fred in your Head' and developing a greater sight vocabulary. The aim of the yellow books is to help children develop their pace and fluency as they read aloud. Re-reading of these books is hugely important to support children in developing these skills. Children reading yellow books will continue to learn the Set 3 sounds. 

Yellow Books Video:


Blue Books

Children reading blue books will be confidently using their phonics to read a range of words and will have developed their sight vocabulary as they become more confident readers. They will continue to develop their pace and fluency and will attempt to read aloud with expression. 

Blue Books Video:


Grey Books

Grey books are the last set in the scheme and by the time children are reading these books they should be reading with fluency and should only require their phonics to decode new and more challenging words. When they read aloud they should attempt to read with expression reflecting their understanding. They will meet some new and challenging vocabulary in these grey books and they should ensure they understand the meanings of any new words to develop their own vocabulary. 

Grey Books Video:



You will find a link directly to the RWI eBooks here:

RWI eBooks 

Further guidance along with a range of activities and resources linked to the RWI scheme can be accessed on the Oxford Owl site: 

 Read Write Inc. guide for parents

You will also find a range of other eBooks which children can enjoy reading here:

Oxford Owl eBook library