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Schoolsworks is a multi-academy trust in West Sussex. Our aim is to create small hubs of schools which work closely together to collaborate, share best practice and improve outcomes for children.





Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

Medmerry Primary School Special Needs and Disability Report

The Special Educational Needs Coordinator is Mr Christian Hayne. If you have concerns about your child, you can book an appointment with Mr Hayne through the school office or email: office@medmerryschool.co.uk    

At Medmerry Primary School, our ‘SEN information report’ aims to provide you with information about how we meet the needs of the children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities.  

Medmerry Primary School is a mainstream school with approximately 210 pupils.  Our staff continuously monitor and review the curriculum and wider aspects of the school to enable each individual child to achieve their best and fulfil their potential.  

SEND Policy 2024-2025

How does the school know if my child needs extra help?  

  • We monitor every child’s level of attainment and rate of progress over time  
  • We receive information and communicate with previous schools and settings during and after transition  
  • Teaching and support staff raise their concerns, either academic or pastoral, which are followed up by our SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) Nurture and Pastoral team, which includes an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA)  and Special Educational Needs (SEN) teaching assistant.
  • We value concerns raised by parents and carers. If you have any concerns about your child regarding SEND matters, in the first instance please speak to your child's class teacher. Following that please do not hesitate to contact Mr Hayne or Mr Lott via the school office. For guidance: A pupil may be identified by the school as having SEND if the provision and support that they require is additional to and different from their peers, over a sustained period of time. 
  • Other agencies supporting the child may also identify needs such as speech therapists or occupational therapists. These therapists will liaise with the school.  

How will the school support my child?  

 High quality teaching is at the heart of our core provision and will be provided as follows.  

  • Visual aids to support access to learning. 
  • In class support by class teacher or support staff. 
  • Small group or individual intervention programmes e.g., Phonics, Reading and Maths, which will be reviewed regularly for effectiveness.   
  • Interventions, your child may have participated in, will be reviewed regularly for effectiveness 
  • ILPs (Individual Learning Plan) will be provided for all children on the SEN register this will take place in consultation with parents and the child to identify specific targets and will be reviewed regularly for impact and progress.   
  • Outside agency advice will be sought where necessary and the advice will be acted upon and shared with parents e.g., speech therapists, EYFS advisory tea as well as behaviour or Autism teams. 
  • Providing an adaptive curriculum to support the needs of every child.   
  • The nominated chair within the school community council, who will regularly monitor and evaluate SEND provision alongside the SENCO.  

Who will explain this to me?

At Medmerry Primary School we believe in maintaining high levels of communication with all our parents and carers as follows...    

  • We maintain an open-door policy for parents/carers and appointments can be made with the class teacher. 
  • Parents are invited to attend the termly parent consultations where progress, targets and any extra support that is needed can be discussed with your child’s teacher.   
  • Pre-arranged meetings with our SENCO, Nurture and Pastoral Teams – these are usually held on a Tuesday and Thursday. These can be arranged by contacting the school office.  

How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?  

At Medmerry Primary School, we aim to provide an inclusive curriculum designed to connect children to their learning; develop collaboration with their peers and challenge the children to be leaders of their own learning. 

  • The curriculum and teaching will be adapted to meet the needs of all children.  
  • Teachers and support staff will use a range of strategies such as use of manipulatives and different methods of recording work whilst ensuring high expectations for all children.  
  • Children with significant special educational needs may follow an individually adapted curriculum.  
  • Regular monitoring and review of provision for individuals. 
  • All children on the SEND register will be working towards individualised targets.   

How will School know how my child is progressing? 

As a school, we continuously assess and review children’s progress.    

  • Class teachers continuously assess each child and observe areas of strength and those for further development.  
  • Children’s progress and attainment are tracked from entry in Year R through to Year 6, using a variety of different measures including national and age-related expectations.  
  • Children who are not making expected progress are discussed at termly meetings with the class teacher, support staff and SENCo.
  • Pupil Progress and SEND review meetings are held termly with members of the Senior Leadership Team. In this meeting a discussion takes place concerning why individual children are not progressing and what further support can be given to remove barriers to learning.  If your child is discussed at one of these meetings and further action is required, you will be informed by your child’s class teacher.  
  • If your child has an ILP (Individual Learning Plan), it will be reviewed termly or before if your child has achieved their targets.  If your child has not achieved their targets, these will be reviewed and adapted into smaller steps, or a different approach may be used to best support your child.  

How will I know how my child is progressing and the impact of any interventions they participate in?   

We communicate with parents in a variety of ways.  

  • Teachers are available at the end of each day   
  • Parents Consultations at parent’s evenings  
  • Telephone consultations  
  • SENCO/ Pastoral and Nurture team meetings (Tuesday and Thursday each week) 
  • Annual School Report  
  • ILP (Individual Learning Plan) reviews  
  • Annual reviews of EHCP (Educational Health Care Plan)  
  • School led or outside agency advice feedback e.g., Speech and Language Therapist following an assessment on your child.  

How will the school help me to support my child?  

We support parents in a variety of ways. However, if you require further support please contact your child’s class teacher, school SENCO or the Head of School   

  • Regular opportunities for parent/ teacher discussions. 
  • Regular opportunities to meet with the pastoral lead.
  • Co-production of ILPs (Individual Learning Plan) between school, child and parents.
  • Collaboration during an EHCP (Educational Health Care Plan) assessment and annual review.  
  • Parent workshops for supporting aspects of the curriculum e.g., phonics workshop. 
  • Feedback and advice following outside agency assessments.  
  • Knowledge of children’s current targets.  
  • Strategies to help support effective homework e.g., reading, TTRockstars/ Numbots or more specific revision activities 
  • Connect Parents/Carers to outside agency support both locally within the Selsey community and through the Local Authority.
  • Half termly knowledge organisers are published on the school website.

What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school?  

 We access support services on a needs basis and so this can vary from term to term.  

  • Mr Hayne - SENCO and Assistant Headteacher
  • Miss Lightning – ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) and Pastoral Lead
  • Mrs Field and Mrs Simmons – Nurture provision
  • School Nursing Team
  • DramaTherapist  
  • Speech and Language Therapist  
  • Occupational Therapist  
  • Physiotherapist  
  • Social and Communication Team  
  • Sensory Support Team  
  • Learning and Behaviour Team (LBAT)  
  • Social Care  
  • Children and Young Person’s Planning Forum  
  • Early Help Team 
  • EMTAS (Ethnic minority and traveller support service)  
  • Educational Psychology Service  
  • Family Link/Support Worker  
  • Educational Welfare Officer  
  • CAMHS (Child, Adolescent Mental Health Service)  
  • CMHLs (Community Mental Health Liaison Service)  
  • Virtual School (Looked after children)  
  • Paediatricians  
  • Alternative Provision College  
  • Therapeutic Learning Opportunities – e.g., Forest Schools  
  • Alternative Provision Placements
  • Fair Access Team  
  • Child Development Centre (CDC)  
  • Mental health Support Team (MHST)  
  • You can view more details by exploring the West Sussex Local Offer: West Sussex Local Offer (local-offer.org)  

 What training have staff had or are currently having to support children with SEN?  

 Our training needs are under constant review and are planned to meet the needs of the children we care for as well as ensuring we meet statutory requirements.  

  • Team Teach  
  • Senior Mental Health Lead 
  • Numberstacks  
  • Infant Language Link - Speech and Language Intervention 
  • Safeguarding  
  • Speech and Language  
  • Loss and Bereavement Support  
  • Read, Write, Inc Phonics   
  • Precision Teaching for early reading skills  
  • Attachment Training  
  • Zones of Regulation
  • Sensory Circuits  
  • Working with Others  
  • EVOLVE (Risk Assessments for Educational Visits)  
  • First Aid 
  • Prevent Training  
  • Bespoke medical training in response to individual needs.  E.g., Diabetic, use of Epi-pens  
  • Play Leaders
  • Supporting children with autism and sensory needs 
  • Understanding and responding to challenging behaviour 
  • Emotional Literacy Support training (ELSA) 

 What support will there be for my child’s overall wellbeing?  

 Your child’s class teacher has overall responsibility for the pastoral and social care of every child in their class.  This is supported by the SEN team and the wider arching Senior Leadership Team.  

  • Miss Lightning provides further emotional support for individual circumstances.  
  • RSHE curriculum delivered through Jigsaw. This has a high focus on emotional literacy and good mental well-being.  
  • Zones of Regulation  
  • RSHE subject leader  
  • Pupil Voice e.g., School Council, House Captains and Play Leaders
  • Opportunities to develop communication skills and self-esteem through a range of clubs and activities.  
  • Individual Health Care Plans for children with specific medical needs  
  • ILP (Individual Learning Plans)  
  • Risk Assessments
  • Pupil passports  
  • Assemblies - values, singing and celebration  
  • Meetings to provide, discuss and implement actions to support vulnerable children and their families   
  • School visits – giving opportunities to learn outside of the classroom
  • Referrals to counselling at The Bridge - Selsey or DramaTherapist 
  • Workshops 

 How will my child be included in activities outside of the classroom including school visits?  

 We operate an inclusive curriculum which includes all educational visits. 

  • Education visits are planned and risk assessed using the West Sussex EVOLVE system.    
  • Pre-visits are made by staff taking into consideration the needs of all children.  
  • Additional adult support for children who require it. e.g., for mobility or medical reasons  
  • Our school’s policy requires at least one member of staff on every visit to be a trained first aider.  
  • Specific individuals receive a programme of support prior to school visits.  
  • Children on the SEND register are able and encouraged to participate in after school clubs. 

How does the school manage the administration of medicines and medical conditions?  

The school’s policy outlines guidance for procedures and school responsibilities regarding the management of medical conditions in school.   

  • Parents need to contact the school office if medication is prescribed by health professionals to be taken during the school day.    
  • For prolonged medical conditions a designated member or team of staff will support an individual’s medical needs.  Any necessary training will be undertaken to carry out this duty safely and accurately.  
  • Children with specific medical needs will have an Individual Health Care Plan which is produced in consultation with parents and health professionals as required.  
  • Staff have regular training and updates of conditions and medication affecting individual children within our school.  

 How does the school support my child during times of transition?  

 Early preparation is vital to ensure children are supported correctly in making smooth transitions between schools.    

  • Teachers liaise with nurseries to discuss individual children and their needs. 
  • SENCO and EYFS Class teacher will meet to discuss specific intervention needs and requirements. 
  • Children with SEN make additional visits in small groups or individually when transitioning between primary and secondary education. 
  • Parents are invited to a welcome meeting where they receive their welcome pack containing all necessary information regarding their child starting 
  • Individual Transition Plans are used to support children with specific needs as they transfer to other schools. 
  • Key staff from all feeder secondary schools visit to discuss transition with the children and staff including SENCO. 
  • Children in Year 6 visit the local Secondary School to participate in sporting activities. 
  • Some secondary schools offer an additional support programme of transition for vulnerable children who may find transition difficult.

How are the school's resources allocated and matched to the children’s needs? 

 We ensure that all children with Special Educational Needs have their individual needs met to the best of the school’s ability with the funds available.    

  • We have a team of Teaching Assistants and an ELSA, who are partially funded from the SEN budget and deliver support programmes and interventions designed to meet groups of children and individual needs.  
  • We access specialist support from outside agencies where appropriate.  
  • School Community Council liaise with Senior Leadership Team in the allocation of the SEN budget.    
  • Funds and resources are allocated on a needs basis.  
  • Regular assessment of children’s progress highlights impact of the current provision.  This is reviewed and modified if necessary to ensure that resources are being used to best effect.

 How are the decisions made about how much and what type of support my child will receive? 

 Decisions are made based upon the needs of your child 

  • We aim to listen and support with the concerns you have about your child in the home environment and will offer this through meetings with our pastoral lead.
  • Following a period of watchful waiting, which may include observations and use of ordinarily available inclusive practices. An assessment and identification of need will take place, children requiring additional support will be discussed further to establish a programme of support.   
  • Resources are allocated to support the needs of the child. 
  • Any individual or group interventions are continually monitored and reviewed for impact on progress.  ILP’s will be modified accordingly. 
  • The capacity to provide additional support at that time.

How accessible is the school environment?

  • Medmerry Primary School is on a single level and is wheelchair accessible. 
  • Disabled toilet facilities are available. 
  • Each child’s specific needs are identified and where appropriate specialised equipment is used. E.g., height adjusting tables, back support cushions etc…

 Who can I contact for further information? 

  • The first point of contact is your child's class teacher.
  • You could also arrange a meeting with a member of the SENCO team, or the Head of School.
  • View our SEN policy which can be found on our school website 
  • The SENDIAS service provides information advice and support to parents and young people regarding special education need – contact them at: send.ias@westsussex.gov.uk 


If we have not answered any of your questions, you require additional information or you wish to visit the school and have a chat with a member of the team we can be contacted via the school office or by email: office@medmerryschool.co.uk   

Parents are encouraged to express their views and we seek to encourage good communication between home and school. Most complaints can be resolved informally, and we encourage you to make contact with the class teacher, school office, Headteacher or SENDCo straight away, depending on the nature of the complaint – see Complaints policy for further details.


westsussex.local-offer.orgWe want this information to be clear and accessible to all. If you have any comments or suggestions to make about this document, our SENCO will be pleased to receive them.