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Schoolsworks is a multi-academy trust in West Sussex. Our aim is to create small hubs of schools which work closely together to collaborate, share best practice and improve outcomes for children.




We are fortunate to have a highly-skilled team of staff to support children at Medmerry Primary School.

Teaching Staff

Mr Lott (Head of School and Safeguarding Lead)

Mr Hayne (Assistant Headteacher, SENDCO and Safeguarding)

Mr Whitby (Assistant Headteacher and Year 5)

Mrs Kempson - Reception

Miss Grove - Year 1

Mrs Ford - Year 2

Miss Montague - Year 3

Mrs Lee - Year 4 

Miss Taylor - Year 6

Miss Richards - Spanish and PPA

Mrs Cole Year 5/6 PPA

Teaching Assistants

Miss E Baily

Miss S Farncombe

Mrs N Field

Mrs E Hickman

Mrs N Jenkins

Miss K Lightning (ELSA / Pastoral Care / Safeguarding)

Mrs N Lott

Mrs K Meek

Mrs L Prudence

Mrs E Simmons

Mrs B Thorne

Mrs J Wickham

Support Staff

Mr A Barnsdall (Premises)

Mrs A Moyle (Welcome Office and Admin)

Miss K Murphy (Welcome Office)

Mrs E Vaughan (Midday Meals Supervisor)